Create your artifact

Create your artifact
Create your artifact
Create your artifact
Create your artifact
Create your artifact
Create your artifact
Create your artifact
Create your artifact
Create your artifact
Create your artifact
Create your artifact
Tap on the tag image to enter your  data
Got it
CH — 002
M-Tag — 001
Personal data
created by

Натисніть на зображення для  вводу днних ⬎

First name
Last name
Click on the token to enter data

Enter data for creation

Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Індифікаційний номер має містити 10 цифр
Скопіюйте данні з форми та вставьте в коментар у кошику
Copy the data from the form and paste it into the comment section in the cart
Використання гіроскопа вашого телефону
Ch — 2

Welcome to the the personal token simulator — the first artifact of the rbtnk world.

Its power lies in its uniqueness: the token contains all important information about the character and makes them recognizable to everyone else. Personal tokens help distinguish friends from foes.
After you enter the data, the simulator will show you what your personal token will look like. Then, to obtain it, you can click the "copy" button — and paste the copied data into the basket. Alternatively, you can go to the store and create the token there (you can even make two identical ones, and also choose your own inscription or image on the back). Don't delay.